Welcome to the home page of Tuff-toys-4-dogs - UK suppliers of GoughNuts (TM), and European Distributor.
Introducing GoughNuts dog chew toy to the UK. GoughNuts pet toys are designed to address the simple but serious issue of SAFETY. The GoughNuts chew toys are designed knowing that safety and fun go hand in hand. Each GoughNuts pet toy has included in it's design the GoughNuts patent pending visual safety indicator where Green means "Go" and Red means "Stop".
If your dog chews through the outside wear layer, Green or Black, to expose the red indication layer, GoughNuts will replace your toy.
GoughNuts patent pending, "Chew Toy Safety Indicator" is a mechanism for the dog owner to see a clear indication of when to take the GoughNut from the dog. See the "Chew Toy Safety Indicator" patent online - US Patent No. 20070289551.
We will update with any shows once things have settled down.